
InfiniCache Deployment Instruction


  • EC2 Proxy

    Amazon EC2 AMI: ubuntu-xenial-16.04

    Golang version: 1.12

    Be sure the port 6378 - 7380 is avaiable on the proxy

    We recommend that EC2 proxy and Lambda functions are under the same VPC network, and deploy InfiniCache on a EC2 instance with powerful CPU and high bandwidth (c5n family maybe a good choice).

  • Golang install

    Jump to

  • Package install

    Install basic package

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y upgrade
    sudo apt install awscli
    sudo apt install zip

    Clone this repo

    go get -u

    Run aws configure to setup your AWS credential.

    aws configure
  • Lambda Runtime

    • Lambda Role setup

      Go to AWS IAM console and create a role for the lambda cache node (Lambda function).

      AWS IAM console -> Roles -> Create Role -> Lambda ->




    • Enable Lambda internet access under VPC

      Plese refer to this article. (You could skip this step if you do not want to run InfiniCache under VPC).

    • S3 bucket setup

      Create the S3 bucket to store the zip file of the Lambda code and data output from Lambda functions. Remember the name of this bucket for the configuration in next step.

  • Configuration

    • Lambda function create and config

      Edit deploy/ and deploy/

        PREFIX="your lambda function prefix"
        S3="your bucket name"
        cluster=400 # number of lambda in the cache pool

      Edit destination S3 bucket in lambda/collector/collector.go, this bucket is for the bill duration log from CloudWatch.

        AWSRegion = "us-east-1"
        S3BUCKET = "your bucket name"

      Edit lambda/migrator/client.go, change AWS region if necessary.

        AWSRegion = "us-east-1"

      Edit the aws settings and the VPC configuration in deploy/deploy_function.go. If you do not want to run InfiniCache under VPC, you do not need to modify the subnet and securityGroup settings.

        ROLE = "arn:aws:iam::[aws account id]:role/[role name]"
        REGION = "us-east-1"
        subnet = []*string{
          aws.String("your subnet 1"),
          aws.String("your subnet 2"),
        securityGroup = []*string{
          aws.String("your security group")

      Run script to create and deploy lambda functions (Also, if you do not want to run InfiniCache under VPC, you need to set the vpc flag to be false in deploy/

        export GO111MODULE="on"
        go get
        deploy/ 60
    • Proxy configuration

      Edit proxy/server/config.go, change the aws region, cluster size, and prefix of the Lambda functions.

        const AWSRegion = "us-east-1"
        const NumLambdaClusters = 400
        const LambdaPrefix = "Your Lambda Function Prefix"
        const ServerPublicIp = ""  // Leave it empty if using VPC.


  • Proxy server

    Run make start to start proxy server. make start would print nothing to the console. If you want to check the log message, you need to set the debug flag to be true in the proxy/proxy.go.

    make start

    To stop proxy server, run make stop. If make stop is not working, you could use pgrep proxy, pgrep go to find the pid, and check the infinicache pid and kill them.

  • Client library

    The toy demo for Client Library

    go run client/example/main.go

    The result should be

    ~$ go run client/example/main.go
    2020/03/08 05:05:19 EcRedis Set foo 14630930
    2020/03/08 05:05:19 EcRedis Got foo 3551124 ( 2677371 865495 )

Client library ecRedis
Redis protocol redeo
Benchmarking tool redbench